So I was at the mall yesterday and thought of one thing that drives me nuts and one thing that I think is odd. First off the pet peeve. There was actually a commercial that I saw the other day that ticked me off and maybe that's what got my mind thinking of this. The commercial talked about "trendy" shirts that were on sale. The problem is the kid was wearing an AC/DC shirt. Raise your hand if you would ever put trendy and AC/DC together. Hint: No one should be raising their hand. So back to the mall, I saw a kid wearing the very AC/DC shirt from the commercial. He was hanging out with a bunch of mall rat hommie g kids. I hate, hate, HATE it when people wear shirts that they have no idea who the band, movie, etc. is on the shirt. I'm going to start asking the kids wearing these shirts if they know what's on the shirt. If they don't know I'm going to make them take off the shirt and I'm going to confiscate the clothing. On one hand I'm glad companies are making these shirt because now I can get a Pink Floyd or Beatles shirt, but I don't want people wearing them that think AC/DC is just cool looking.

Now for the second observation. I'm trying to find a nice pair of tie up dress shoes (because apparently I'm viewed as incompetent if I wear slip on dress shoes to an interview). Anyway, if you've ever shopped at Macy's you know that you can't just try on a pair of shoes unless the size you need is the one on the rack. You have to take the shoe up to the cashier and tell them what size you need. Why is it that we say, "Can I SEE this in a size 10?" Do we just want to see the shoe? No, we want to try it on. If I was the cashier I would have come out with the shoes and shown them to the person then said something like, "what did you think that it would look different in a size 10?"
I'm crazy, what are you going to do about it?