If you haven't seen this movie you need to see it. I take that back, only see it if you love mindless and totally random movies. Here's a quick run down of the movie:
There's a crazy General that orders a plan R to be carried out. Plan R is a nuclear attack on Russia. There are all kinds of fail safes in the plan so that the Russians (or the Americans) can't call off the strike. His whole premise for wanting to bomb the Russians is because he says that they are taking over Americans minds by fluoridating the water. Totally random. The military people are hilarious. Here's a few of the greatest lines from the movie:
"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the war room."
"Look here Colonel Batguano, if that is your real name."
"Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed, but I do say; no more than 10 to 20 million people killed. Tops! Depending on the breaks."
There are quite a few more but they're only funny in context. Go see it. It's funny. I mean just look at the title.