Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I'm sorry to say, but with the invent and my joining Facebook I haven't posted anything in some time. I doubt anyone is even looking at this any more. Either way, as I've said before, I'm going to try and be better at updating my blog. Lots have happened since I last posted anything. I graduated from college with a degree in Marketing. Worked for a few months in sales, made very little money, received no benefits, and really didn't like the work. I quit. Started substitute teaching. Decided to become a teacher because they started at more than I was making selling stuff plus they got benefits (I've always wanted to be a teacher too). Got a job at a bike shop over the summer, freaking awesome. Finally got hired by Davis County School District a few weeks before the school year started. I now teach special education at Syracuse High. I freaking love it. Oh, almost forgot, I bought a house too. We're moving in this weekend as a matter of fact. Well that's a quick, really quick catch up on life. Check back soon for more.

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's Here

Well 2009 is here. I'm sure that we've all made some great New Year's, or as I like to call them, Next Year Resolutions like stop kicking the dog, don't poison the neighbors, lose 100 lbs., etc. I thought I'd share some of my resolutions with you. First I wanted to lose about 10 lbs. and 7% of my body fat. That will enable me to compete in the triathlon that I plan on doing in July. I just realized that no one wants to hear...read about my Next Year resolutions. Why do you just enjoy 2009 and make it your best year yet. For those of you that are reading this that are under one year old, just make this an average year, you wouldn't want to start too good, then every other year would pale in comparison.