Monday, December 15, 2008
Really, I mean really?
Has it been that long since I posted anything. I guess I have been pretty busy. I ran for president and almost won (of the United State for you that think I was talking about something else). I won the Tour de France (even though it happens in July). Finished my new book, "This Will Never Make It On The Shelf". Also, I finished my album ,"Memories That You Thought You Had Repressed". So now that I have time on my hands (word of warning that stuff does not come off so wear gloves) I think I'll try and write a little more often. Well just wanted to make sure my die hard fans know that I'm still alive. Oh, just remembered I will be taking the whole next week off from doing anything. Sunday the 21st for the Winter Solstice (my pagan side), Monday the 22nd for Hanukkah (my Jewish side), obviously the 24th and 25th (my Christian side), and the 26th (my Canadian side. See you when I see you, keep on truckin', and all that.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bike's Done
I can't believe I haven't posted it here. I did update the Pink Ski Mask main website (, but I finished my fixed gear bike. Here's some pictures and some links to more pictures. Enjoy:

Links: Here...and here...and here.
PS: It's for sale. $200. Let me know, email me at kris at pinkskimask dot com.
Friday, September 26, 2008
New Paint
Well I got the first part of my bike painted last night and wanted to share it with the rest of you that I know don't really care, but I want to show off. Here's the picture:

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love The Bomb
If you haven't seen this movie you need to see it. I take that back, only see it if you love mindless and totally random movies. Here's a quick run down of the movie:
There's a crazy General that orders a plan R to be carried out. Plan R is a nuclear attack on Russia. There are all kinds of fail safes in the plan so that the Russians (or the Americans) can't call off the strike. His whole premise for wanting to bomb the Russians is because he says that they are taking over Americans minds by fluoridating the water. Totally random. The military people are hilarious. Here's a few of the greatest lines from the movie:
"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the war room."
"Look here Colonel Batguano, if that is your real name."
"Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed, but I do say; no more than 10 to 20 million people killed. Tops! Depending on the breaks."
There are quite a few more but they're only funny in context. Go see it. It's funny. I mean just look at the title.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Lance is Back!
I just got an email from the Lance Armstrong Foundation confirming Lance Armstrong's return to cycling. All I have to say is WHAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Change of Plans
Well my bike is going to take a little bit longer than I thought so I'm going to start on my next project: fixing up a bike for my bro-in-law, Jon. Here's a picture of the bike now.

It really doesn't need much work. For sure new tires, new cables, and new bar tape. Hopefully Jon will like riding and then we can get some new wheels and possibly some new shifters. I want to get his done before the snow flies so that Jon can use it. So here we go again. Here's the link: CLICK HERE!!!

It really doesn't need much work. For sure new tires, new cables, and new bar tape. Hopefully Jon will like riding and then we can get some new wheels and possibly some new shifters. I want to get his done before the snow flies so that Jon can use it. So here we go again. Here's the link: CLICK HERE!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Check the updates!
I've added some more pictures of my bike. Check it out, unless you're square like that. Ya, I said square. CLICK HERE!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Started Cleaning
In Pieces
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yet another update:
I worked a little on the bike tonight. Got it mostly disasembled. I would have gotten it all the way taken apart, but the mosquitos were sucking me dry. I'm more and more amazed at how good of shape the bike is in. I took out the seat post, it looks brand new. I pulled out the fork, it's clean as can be. The only thing that was really dirty was the chain, the back derailleur, and the ball bearings. I can't wait to paint!
Here's the update on the bike (I know it hasn't even been a day yet). I put air in the tires last night...and the air held. I shifted through all the gears...worked like a charm. Sorta fixed one of the just fine. All that took me all of 15 minutes to do. After that I rode the bike around the back yard. I share this only because now the decision whether to convert it to a fixie or keep it a 10 speed is that much harder. I think that if I clean it up really good, paint the frame, and replace the cables I could get $100+ for it (when considering that I paid $3 is pretty good). Well I guess I'll have to fast and pray about it.
P.S. If anyone has a good idea for a name let me know. I'm drawing a blank. I'm usually really good at naming cars and other objects.
P.S. If anyone has a good idea for a name let me know. I'm drawing a blank. I'm usually really good at naming cars and other objects.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
New Project

Unfortunately I somehow deleted the photo's from the Sheryl Crow concert. No biggie, they weren't that good. Now you'll find pictures of my new project. This is my new project. I got this road bike at the DI for $3. I'm going to take it completely apart and rebuild it. I can't decide whether to keep it as a 10 speed or to convert it to a fixed gear bike. I'll keep you posted.
Sheryl Crow Concert
Stacy and I went to the Sheryl Crow concert last night. Good times. She puts on a really really really good show. James Blunt opened for her and he was really good too. I like him much better live than on CD. Anyway, here are some pictures. Not very good, but oh well, next time don't be cheap and buy a ticket and come with us. Next concert for us is Weezer! Sweet!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tour of Utah - 2nd Stage
I had the chance to watch the Tour of Utah pass through our neck of the woods. I watched from the summit of Trapper's Loop. The race went from Downtown Ogden, over North Ogden Pass, around Pineview, up and over Trapper's Loop, over to Morgan, up to East Canyon, and finally ended up in SLC. Tough. Very tough. I was at the feed zone which was INTENSE! I did, however, make off with some great souvenirs. Check out the pictures on my Facebook page.
Monday, August 4, 2008
First Ever Animal Bike Race
We're excited to announce the results of the first ever Animal Bike Race. The participants this year had to follow a course that went out to Antelope Island (from Clearfield) and then back again. It was a total of 34.8 miles. Here's the course:
At about mile 7 it looked as though the Deer team was going to out sprint Kris, but he powered through and beat them to the line.
A few miles onto the causeway at Antelope Island it almost turned dirty as the Skunk almost sprayed our leader. The Skunk ran off course and was disqualified from the race.
At about the half way mark of the race some Buffalo spectators came on to the course, almost stopping the race. A little further up the road the herd of Antelope (about 30-40) didn't seem to care that a race was going on.
There were thousands of tiny spectators lining the roadside on the Island. We've never seen so many spiders in one place before.
The rest of the race was rather uneventful. The Jack Rabbits ended up taking the whole race (they are fast little buggers).
On a side note the Seagulls were disqualified for pooping on the course referees.
While there wasn't really an organized Animal Bike Race. I did see all of these on my bike ride this morning. This all happened before 8 AM. What a great start to the day. The deer were in a corn field in Syracuse. Four of them, one baby, one female, and two males with the velvet on their antlers.
All I can say is it's great to be in shape, but the things I see on my rides are way better.
At about mile 7 it looked as though the Deer team was going to out sprint Kris, but he powered through and beat them to the line.
A few miles onto the causeway at Antelope Island it almost turned dirty as the Skunk almost sprayed our leader. The Skunk ran off course and was disqualified from the race.
At about the half way mark of the race some Buffalo spectators came on to the course, almost stopping the race. A little further up the road the herd of Antelope (about 30-40) didn't seem to care that a race was going on.
There were thousands of tiny spectators lining the roadside on the Island. We've never seen so many spiders in one place before.
The rest of the race was rather uneventful. The Jack Rabbits ended up taking the whole race (they are fast little buggers).
On a side note the Seagulls were disqualified for pooping on the course referees.
While there wasn't really an organized Animal Bike Race. I did see all of these on my bike ride this morning. This all happened before 8 AM. What a great start to the day. The deer were in a corn field in Syracuse. Four of them, one baby, one female, and two males with the velvet on their antlers.
All I can say is it's great to be in shape, but the things I see on my rides are way better.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Can't read this...does this help any?

I'm at work...working and I stumble upon a website that has an area where you can increase the size of the text if you're semi-blind. Small problem, if you can't read the text on the page how are you ever going to be able to find the "text enlarger" when it's smaller than the text on the page? Can't read this...does this help?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Random Thoughts...
Here's just a couple of things I noticed on the way home from work:
1. Just because you buy really nice wheels for your car doesn't make your beat up '98 Blazer cool.
2. Why do all the piece of crap, junker cars have the "You Suck at Driving", etc. bumper stickers. I saw one today that looked like it had caused a few accidents of its own.
That's it...I said a couple.
1. Just because you buy really nice wheels for your car doesn't make your beat up '98 Blazer cool.
2. Why do all the piece of crap, junker cars have the "You Suck at Driving", etc. bumper stickers. I saw one today that looked like it had caused a few accidents of its own.
That's it...I said a couple.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Just a word of warning. Don't ever ride with me in my car. I've been close to getting into about 3 accidents in the past week. None of which were by any fault of my own. People have turned in front of me on 3 different occasions. All of which I had to lock up my brakes to avoid hitting them. The most recent was last night head home from work. I'm cruising along at 50 mph on a 50 mph road (freshly coated with loose gravel by the way) and some dumb teenage girl pulls out in front of me in a big white dodge (I know ironic isn't truck. The idiotic thing is that instead of going, "Oh, shoot I just turned in front of this guy I better step on the gas to make sure I get out of the way", she slammed on her brakes. So now she's stopped in the road directly in front of me. Luckily after sliding about 30 ft I stopped a few feet from the side of her truck. I wanted to jump out and bust her window in. I've never had to lock up my brakes before this past week. Apparently someone painted my car with invisible paint during the night. BEWARE!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I Got the Last One!!!
I'm a gadget geek. Anyone that knows me knows that. I got the first iPhone and absolutely loved it. The new one came out on the 11th and I wasn't going to get one, but listen to my reasoning: The new iPhone is faster, better looking,'s newer. It also only cost me $300 (as opposed to the $500 I spent on the first one). Well the thing is the older iPhone is still selling for about $500 on eBay. So I get to make $200 and get a newer, faster phone. Is that crazy of me? I got up at about 5:30 AM, stood in line for about 3 hours, and got one. They came out and asked people which phone they were going to get to try and gauge where the "direct fulfill" orders would start. I was right on the line. The guy told me that as long as no one changed their mind in front of me I'd probably get what I wanted. The store only got 10 16gb white, 10 16gb black, and 20 8gb black phones. They were only letting 1 person in per sales person and then locking the door. One person would leave, they'd unlock the door then let the next person in and lock the door behind them. I finally got to the front of the line and followed the sales person to their computer. There was a girl walking around with the phones in her arms dispensing them as needed. I could see one white box in the stack so when the sales person asked me what I wanted I pointed and she said, "you got the last one". I about went through the roof I was so happy. I not only got the last 16gb white iPhone, I got the last 16gb iPhone. I felt kinda bad because the guy behind me was apparently there a few hours before me but went out to snooze, you lose I guess. I've never waited in line for anything before, but I got to tell you it was pretty fun. Getting to know complete strangers, having them pretty much cheer for you when they found out I got the phone that I wanted. Good times.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Capitain Huggy Face Dance
My sister told me about this show on PBS. I still haven't seen the show, but I found the video of the Capitain Huggy Face dance. I guess he does it with each new word they learn, different word - same dance. So I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Well it's still not 100% done, but it's live. Check out my new website at
Monday, June 16, 2008
Coming in the Air...
Well it's really going to happen. is getting close to its launch. It will be my own site designed by myself with a little help from my friend (and possibly future boss/co-worker) Bryant. I've already got the domain name so go ahead and check it out Unfortunately right now all you will see is that is parking the site for free. Just let all your friends and neighbors know that there is a change on the wind. CAN YOU FEEL IT COMING IN THE AIR TONIGHT?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
New Logo
Well I decided to practice a little designing so I tried out a new logo for the blog. I know it's not much but I'm going to be changing it from time to time as I get a little better with logo design and such. Enjoy.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Long Time, No Job
So I haven't posted anything for a while. Not that I have been busy or anything. I take that back, I've been busy looking for a job. Looking being the key word. I have had a couple of interviews, but nothing that was any good. I've just been recovering from a double hernia as well. But I'm doing well, just want to start working. So if anyone knows of any non-sales marketing jobs let me know (or openings at McDonald's).

Friday, May 16, 2008
My Week
Let me just tell you how my week has gone:
Monday: The only normal day this week. Took care of the kids etc., etc., etc.
Tuesday: Went to the doctor because I suspected that I had a hernia. He said that I had one on my right side, but my left side was fine.
Wednesday: Got a call from the surgeons office letting me know they could fit me in that day. Sat at the doctors for about an hour and a half. He said that I had one on my left side, but that the right side was probably going to go anytime now. He said that I could get them done at the same time.
Thursday: They got me in real fast. Surgery went great and I am hernia free (not in the least bit pain free, but hernia free).
Friday (today): Sat around a lot and tried to get up by myself.
Saturday: Going to see Dave Ramsey. Lets see if I make it through the day.
Monday: The only normal day this week. Took care of the kids etc., etc., etc.
Tuesday: Went to the doctor because I suspected that I had a hernia. He said that I had one on my right side, but my left side was fine.
Wednesday: Got a call from the surgeons office letting me know they could fit me in that day. Sat at the doctors for about an hour and a half. He said that I had one on my left side, but that the right side was probably going to go anytime now. He said that I could get them done at the same time.
Thursday: They got me in real fast. Surgery went great and I am hernia free (not in the least bit pain free, but hernia free).
Friday (today): Sat around a lot and tried to get up by myself.
Saturday: Going to see Dave Ramsey. Lets see if I make it through the day.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Seedless Pickles
Has anyone else noticed the pickles at McDonald's don't have seeds. I've decided either they are genetically engineered to not have seeds or...THEY AREN'T PICKLES AT ALL!!! I don't know what they are but maybe they're not pickles.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Too much time
Friday, May 2, 2008
I did it!
I did it...finally. I am a coledge gradooet. The serimony was toodei. I'm so glade its over whith. Now I jist ned to find a jobb. Wish mi luke.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I hope you're all happy. My Fu Man Chu is gone. Stacy shaved it off while I was sleeping. Thanks, thanks a lot.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Fu Man Chu?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Breaking the Law.
I had a thought the other day. I know you're all amazed. Am I the only one that has ever wanted to break the law, just to see if you could get away with it. I'm not talking about speeding or anything like that. I'm talking having 1 ton of marijuana in your trunk, speeding down a one way street in a cop car and getting away with it. Hopefully my cousin that's a cop won't read this he might start wondering about me. I mean if any of you know me I've never done anything bad in my life. Unless you talk to my mom and she'll tell you about "that one time". That's what she calls it, "That one time". I think in the case I mentioned above maybe I would like to be caught, but not because of anything that the cops do. I want to be finally stopped because I stopped at McDonald's for a 1/2 Pounder (read my post on the 1/2 Pounder and you'll get that). I want to be caught like that so when people see it on the news they'll say stuff like, "What was he thinking, what an idiot". The hard part would be convincing people that you did it on purpose. Just me? I don't think so.
P.S. As a testament to either my innocence or my lack of ability to spell, I spelled marijuana wrong. Thank goodness for spell check.
P.S. As a testament to either my innocence or my lack of ability to spell, I spelled marijuana wrong. Thank goodness for spell check.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Lock Your Doors!
My kids are spoiled. Look at what Grandma and Grandpa Kerr bought the kids. I got to tell you though it's pretty cool. Here's some pictures.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Horton Hears a Who
I forgot I was going to post this the other day, but we took Lincoln to see "Horton Hears a Who" the other day. Great movie, I suggest that everyone go and see if (even if you don't have kids). I just had to share my favorite line from the movie: "My world has little ponies on it that eat butterflies and poop rainbows", said by the creepiest, weirdest character ever.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mall Rats
So I was at the mall yesterday and thought of one thing that drives me nuts and one thing that I think is odd. First off the pet peeve. There was actually a commercial that I saw the other day that ticked me off and maybe that's what got my mind thinking of this. The commercial talked about "trendy" shirts that were on sale. The problem is the kid was wearing an AC/DC shirt. Raise your hand if you would ever put trendy and AC/DC together. Hint: No one should be raising their hand. So back to the mall, I saw a kid wearing the very AC/DC shirt from the commercial. He was hanging out with a bunch of mall rat hommie g kids. I hate, hate, HATE it when people wear shirts that they have no idea who the band, movie, etc. is on the shirt. I'm going to start asking the kids wearing these shirts if they know what's on the shirt. If they don't know I'm going to make them take off the shirt and I'm going to confiscate the clothing. On one hand I'm glad companies are making these shirt because now I can get a Pink Floyd or Beatles shirt, but I don't want people wearing them that think AC/DC is just cool looking.

Now for the second observation. I'm trying to find a nice pair of tie up dress shoes (because apparently I'm viewed as incompetent if I wear slip on dress shoes to an interview). Anyway, if you've ever shopped at Macy's you know that you can't just try on a pair of shoes unless the size you need is the one on the rack. You have to take the shoe up to the cashier and tell them what size you need. Why is it that we say, "Can I SEE this in a size 10?" Do we just want to see the shoe? No, we want to try it on. If I was the cashier I would have come out with the shoes and shown them to the person then said something like, "what did you think that it would look different in a size 10?"
I'm crazy, what are you going to do about it?
I'm crazy, what are you going to do about it?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Child Prodigy
Monday, March 10, 2008
Puppy Time.
Well Lincoln's birthday is tomorrow and he got one of his presents tonight. We are now owners of a dog. Our puppy is the one with the pink collar.
Here's how the dog (Shelby) feels about her leash.

Shelby is a Carin Terrier (Toto from the Wizard of Oz). It will be interesting to have a third kid. So far she's really good. We'll see how long that lasts.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Stop your crying!
I read a story today that I'm sure comes around every 4 years. If you know what tomorrow is you'll know what I'm talking about. Tomorrow is leap, whatever you call it, and for the people born on February 29th their birthday only comes around "once" every 4 years. I want all those people to quit stealing the spotlight and quit your crying. What about those born on March 1st. Every 4 years they have to wait an extra day for their birthday...wait a minute we all have to wait an extra day for our birthdays. I HATE LEAP YEAR!!!
iPhone Day
Happy iPhone Day!!! I'm writing this as I sit by the door waiting for Fed Ex to arrive with my iPhone. I'll post again with pictures when it gets here. I'm just thinking of things to do until it gets here. The only bad thing is I can't use it until I get a job or graduate, but I'm still just as excited.
UPDATE: It just came. Here's proof.

UPDATE: It just came. Here's proof.

Friday, February 22, 2008
The Shag Twins
Thursday, February 21, 2008
#9 with a Sprite
I was at the mall today and stopped with the kids at McDonald's. I got them kid's meals and I got myself a combo meal. At every other McDonald's in the world (at least outside of malls) the workers get your drinks. So I ordered my combo with a Sprite to drink and the worker said nothing. After I paid he handed me my cup. Then I realized that you get your own drinks. My question is, which is worse, having the employee tell you that you get your own drinks or them saying nothing then you feeling like an idiot when you realize you ordered a specific drink and the employee only pretended to enter it into the order? Just a thought.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Never Use
I just have to rant about something I did recently. I posted a profile on MISTAKE!!! Almost immediately I started getting emails and phone calls from telemarketing firms that wanted "good people looking for great career opportunities". I did not go to college (almost 5 years) to be a telemarketer. I guess I should have asked if they were planning on paying me the $45,000/year that my degree should fetch me. So I went ahead and "deleted" my profile. I say "deleted" because I'm still getting emails and phone calls, and my profile is still on there. I finally had to go in and put a fake name, number, email address, etc. Apparently though some firms will go in there and download the new resumes that are posted, so I have the potential of still receiving phone calls for the next few weeks. So if you are looking for a job don't look there. You'll get calls from telemarketers wanting you to work for peanuts, but you'll have the chance to make it to the top with them. Ya...right.
Friday, February 8, 2008
My name is Kris and I'm a Don'treallyneeditaholic.
So ask Stacy the one thing that I've been bugging her to let me buy and she'll tell you I want an iPhone. I have convinced her to let me get one when I graduate, so I came up with this:

I mean as if getting three months away from being done with school isn't enough motivation to quit. The reason I bring this all up is because do I really need an iPhone. Probably as much as a dog "needs" to sit up all night and bark his little heart out. Probably as much as my kids "need" to have a treat. Anyway, if any one knows of a DA (Don'treallyneeditaholic Anonymous) let me know, I NEED HELP.
I'd like the Half Pounder, please.
I went to Wendy's the other day and had a random thought about something at McDonald's. I know that doesn't make much sense, but neither does calling a hamburger with 1/2 pound of meat a Double Quarter Pounder. Come on McDonald's call it what it really is: a Half Pounder. The other thing that happened when I opened one of my Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers, I got a bonus side salad. My burger had practically a whole head of lettuce on it. So there's my random thought for the time. I want everyone to join me in a petition to force McDonald's to change the name of the Double Quarter Pounder to the Half Pounder (maybe then I'll stop eating it).
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Latest Pet Peeve
Here's my latest pet peeve. You know when you get a wrong number and the conversation goes something like this (that is if your name's not Bob): Caller, "Is Bob there?" You, "I think you have the wrong number." Caller, "This is 555-6327, isn't it?" First problem here is even if they say the wrong number it's like they didn't believe that it was a wrong number, "It sure is 555-6327 and this is Bob. I was just kidding around with you." Second problem is if they said the right number they're still doubting the validity of your previous answer, "You know that is the right number and you must be right about Bob being at this number, let me see if I can find him." Seriously people if you call the wrong number just say sorry and hang up.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Well I figured I should let everyone know that I'm not dead or anything (yet). School started last week and I'm in over my head. 18 credit hours (CRAZY). It's not only the fact that I have 18 credit hours, it's the fact that nearly every class has a huge group/individual project. I also wanted to let everyone know that I've broken down and started a file on, so look me up if you like.
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