Thursday, July 17, 2008


Just a word of warning. Don't ever ride with me in my car. I've been close to getting into about 3 accidents in the past week. None of which were by any fault of my own. People have turned in front of me on 3 different occasions. All of which I had to lock up my brakes to avoid hitting them. The most recent was last night head home from work. I'm cruising along at 50 mph on a 50 mph road (freshly coated with loose gravel by the way) and some dumb teenage girl pulls out in front of me in a big white dodge (I know ironic isn't truck. The idiotic thing is that instead of going, "Oh, shoot I just turned in front of this guy I better step on the gas to make sure I get out of the way", she slammed on her brakes. So now she's stopped in the road directly in front of me. Luckily after sliding about 30 ft I stopped a few feet from the side of her truck. I wanted to jump out and bust her window in. I've never had to lock up my brakes before this past week. Apparently someone painted my car with invisible paint during the night. BEWARE!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Do you mean "Dodge" as in,
"dodging a speeding car", or or "Dodge" as in DODGE DURANGO... (I say "Durango" as if I am in a tiled underground room.) It's a conspiracy- they killed the Nova, and now they're after your Ford.