Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Too much time to think.

So now that I'm a stay-at-home dad I have been thinking about things, that is when I'm not doing homework, like when I do the dishes or I'm cleaning the house. Anyway, I think about some weird stuff. Like if time flies when you're having fun, and a watched pot never boils, what happens if you're idea of fun is watching a pot of water boil? Just a thought. The other time that I have to think is while on the road, to and from school. The thing that I've observed while driving around is the stupid vanity license plates that some people have. I saw one that said MCSRIDE, I would imagine that it means MC's Ride, but I could be wrong. Now do you really need a license plate to tell you which car is yours? I wish I could have been at the mall when I saw that because I would have waited at the car and been acting like I was trying to get in. Just so when "MC" came out and asked me what I was doing I could walk around to the back and say, "Oh, my bad. I thought this was my car, but obviously it's MC's ride. You must be MC". I want to get a vanity plate and either just make it totally random like "J4HH35" and tell people that it means something or purposely spell it wrong so when people ask me what it means I could tell them that it was supposed to say something else.
Speaking of license plates those little covers drive me nuts too. I see ones all the time that say, "My other car is a...", I got news for you people a bike is not a car, an airplane is not a car, a golf cart is close, but still not a car. I want to get a cover that says, "My other car is a zucchini" just so it will keep people guessing, "Is he a gardener, is he a produce guy, I don't get that."

Well there's a few random thoughts from the vacuum of space also know as my mind.


Chantele Sedgwick said...

I didn't know you were a stay at home dad?

Kris said...

Stay at home dad with a little school mixed on the side.