Thursday, April 24, 2008


I hope you're all happy. My Fu Man Chu is gone. Stacy shaved it off while I was sleeping. Thanks, thanks a lot.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fu Man Chu?

I don't know how to spell it but I had to post this picture of my fu man chu for my posterity. I think it's funny. I have to shave it once I get a face-to-face job interview, but until then soak it up. Stacy loves it too (she pretends that she doesn't, but she does).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Breaking the Law.

I had a thought the other day. I know you're all amazed. Am I the only one that has ever wanted to break the law, just to see if you could get away with it. I'm not talking about speeding or anything like that. I'm talking having 1 ton of marijuana in your trunk, speeding down a one way street in a cop car and getting away with it. Hopefully my cousin that's a cop won't read this he might start wondering about me. I mean if any of you know me I've never done anything bad in my life. Unless you talk to my mom and she'll tell you about "that one time". That's what she calls it, "That one time". I think in the case I mentioned above maybe I would like to be caught, but not because of anything that the cops do. I want to be finally stopped because I stopped at McDonald's for a 1/2 Pounder (read my post on the 1/2 Pounder and you'll get that). I want to be caught like that so when people see it on the news they'll say stuff like, "What was he thinking, what an idiot". The hard part would be convincing people that you did it on purpose. Just me? I don't think so.

P.S. As a testament to either my innocence or my lack of ability to spell, I spelled marijuana wrong. Thank goodness for spell check.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lock Your Doors!

Just as a friendly warning make sure your car doors are locked. Apparently Ali has become a wanna be car theif. This is the neighbor's car, 2 doors down.

Luckily I caught her in the act. Her bail has been set at $500,000 and has been deemed a flight risk.


My kids are spoiled. Look at what Grandma and Grandpa Kerr bought the kids. I got to tell you though it's pretty cool. Here's some pictures.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Horton Hears a Who

I forgot I was going to post this the other day, but we took Lincoln to see "Horton Hears a Who" the other day. Great movie, I suggest that everyone go and see if (even if you don't have kids). I just had to share my favorite line from the movie: "My world has little ponies on it that eat butterflies and poop rainbows", said by the creepiest, weirdest character ever.