Friday, May 16, 2008

My Week

Let me just tell you how my week has gone:

Monday: The only normal day this week. Took care of the kids etc., etc., etc.

Tuesday: Went to the doctor because I suspected that I had a hernia. He said that I had one on my right side, but my left side was fine.

Wednesday: Got a call from the surgeons office letting me know they could fit me in that day. Sat at the doctors for about an hour and a half. He said that I had one on my left side, but that the right side was probably going to go anytime now. He said that I could get them done at the same time.

Thursday: They got me in real fast. Surgery went great and I am hernia free (not in the least bit pain free, but hernia free).

Friday (today): Sat around a lot and tried to get up by myself.

Saturday: Going to see Dave Ramsey. Lets see if I make it through the day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Seedless Pickles

Has anyone else noticed the pickles at McDonald's don't have seeds. I've decided either they are genetically engineered to not have seeds or...THEY AREN'T PICKLES AT ALL!!! I don't know what they are but maybe they're not pickles.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Too much time

This is what happens when you learn some new tricks in Photoshop and have all of nap time to play with Photoshop. It's what the family really looks like at home (you should see the "person" taking the picture).

Friday, May 2, 2008

I did it!

I did it...finally. I am a coledge gradooet. The serimony was toodei. I'm so glade its over whith. Now I jist ned to find a jobb. Wish mi luke.