Friday, February 19, 2010

Garmin Edge 500

Just got my Garmin Edge 500 bicycle computer yesterday and I already love it. I haven't had a chance to give it a good long test but I rode around the block and it was pretty cool. The 500 doesn't have internal maps but when you hook it up to your computer it places your route on a map. I love the website to keep track of my rides and such, and with the Garmin I can sync it directly to the site. Pretty freaking cool. I tried using the mapmyride app for a little while, but because that isn't based off of a real GPS when I rode out on Antelope Island it wouldn't track my ride. The app was a little inconsistent when riding around town even. Like I said I haven't had a chance to give the Garmin a full scale test, but I'm certain it will be more accurate than the mapmyride app on my iPhone. One thing that I was worried about when I bought it was the setup. Was it going to take me 3 days just to figure out how to use it? I didn't even have to look at the instruction manual. It took me about an hour and I was done (and that includes installing it on my bike). It has 3 cutomizable screens that you can put from 3 to 8 information readings. It has everything from speed to power output (if you have a power meter). I bought the version with the heart rate and cadence. It picked up them both instantly. I've had bike computers in the past that didn't want to communicate with the heart rate strap or cadence unit. So far this is the coolest bike computer I've ever owned. Hopefully the weather will improve and I'll be able to give it a proper test.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not such a good start.

Well my alarm went off at 5 AM this morning and I turned it off and went back to bed. It's going to take me a while to get used to this whole waking up early to exercise thing. So far Training 1, Kris 0.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It has begun.

So I figured with it being Super Bowl Sunday and all I'd shave my starts tomorrow. The first of many days leading up to LOTOJA. I tried to put a countdown on the blog, but none of them worked very well. So if you know of one let me know. Anywho, not a huge post today, just wanted everyone to know that the training starts tomorrow and GO COLTS!